• We enjoy this dish so much, it ended up replacing turkey as the traditional holiday main course.

  • Alma’s Cheese Log

    My mom learned this recipe from her mother, Alma, who made it every Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was a must-have while the family was together; you couldn’t imagine seeing the card table, Scrabble, marbles, or any other games played after dinner without this snack there, on the table. It just wouldn’t happen.

  • Galvez Seahorse

    While at the Hotel Galvez this year, we enjoyed many of these cocktails at their pool. This cocktail is sweet enough to be tasty, but light & refreshing enough that you can enjoy a few of them without that “heavy” feeling.

  • Cooking a Ribeye

    Cooking a Ribeye

    This steak goes great with chimichurri sauce and pairs really well with a bold red wine.

  • “Sweet Heat” pulled-pork tacos

    After making barbacoa tacos, I wanted to try the same thing but with pork, instead of beef. Pulled pork has a completely different flavor space, from beef, so there’s a lot to play with. I didn’t want traditional pulled pork; my goal was tacos, so I wanted more spiciness, less barbecue.